Final Project

In this project, you will implement an agent that plays the SuperTuxKart ice hockey game mode. You have two options for how to do this: an image-based agent or a state-based agent.

Regardless of which agent you choose, your goal is to train the agent to score as many goals as possible in a 2 vs. 2 tournament against some existing agents.

Note: In contrast to previous homeworks, you may work in groups of up to four students on this assignment. You are not required to work in groups, but you are allowed to. If you decide to work in a group please have one team member email me with the names and eid’s of everyone in your group. (I need this information in order to set up Canvas to accept one submission for the whole group.)

I strongly recommend you get started early and test your code on a linux machine – either a CS lab machine or Colab.

Image-based Agents

The image-based agents can look at the state of the player’s karts, but not the underlying state of the puck or the opponent’s karts. Instead, the agent sees an image from each of the player karts, from which is must infer the location of the puck and two opponents karts. For this solution, you will be working mostly on vision. You should choose this route if you want to use a handwritten controller and spend more time working on the vision component. This path will likely require more computational resources to develop and train.

If you choose to go with this option, you will implement image_agent/

Specific rules for the image-based option:

  • You must use a deep network to process the images.
  • You may use any controller you want, and you may look at the agents included in the starter code to write the controller.
  • There is a time limit of 50ms per step (that is, per call to the Team.act function) on a reasonably fast GPU.

State-based Agent

The state-based agent gets access to the states of the player’s karts, the puck, and the opponent’s karts. This agent does not require any vision component. This approach must learn a controller, so you should choose this path if you’d rather focus on reinforcement learning.

If you choose to go with this option, you will implement state_agent/

Specific rules for the state-based option:

  • Your agent must be implemented by a single deep newtork, with no hand-designed components.
  • There is a time limit of 10ms per step (that is, per call to the Team.act function) on a reasonably fast GPU.

Getting Started

Starter code for the final project is here.

Regardless of which path you choose to take, you will need to implement the Team class in This class provides the function act, which takes an input (which will differ depending on which task you choose) and produces a list of actions (one action per player). The current implementation just drives straight ahead as an example. You can test your agents against the agents included in the starter code or against the built-in AI, using

python -m tournament.runner image_agent AI

(or state_agent if you chose the state-based route). The tournament runner has a lot of options. Use the -h option to see them all. You may find -r and -s particularly useful.

Note: During training, you may use any functionality from pystk that you like. During grading however, you should not call any functions from pystk.

Regardless of which type of agent you choose, it might be helpful to make use of torch.jit.script objects. These are PyTorch objects which store model parameters together with model architecture so you can load an entire model without needing to keep the model source code around. To create and save a torch.jit.script object:

script = torch.jit.script(model), '<model-filename>.pt')

Then you can load your script with torch.jit.load('<model-filename>.pt'). See the included agents for some examples.

Tournament (extra credit)

For each of the two agent types, we will run a tournament between all submissions of that type. Each game will be played 2v2 to a maximum of three goals or 1200 time steps. Depending on the number of submissions, we may either do a round-robin with all the submissions, or we may do a group stage followed by a round-robin for the top eight submissions. The team which wins the most matches will win the tournament, with ties broken by the total number of goals scored. If tie-breaks are still necessary at that point, we’ll run more matches between the tied agents.

Online Grader

There will be an online-grader on Canvas for this assignment, but it will not completely grade your project. Rather, the online grader performs a few basic checks to make sure your code can be run on the grading system.

Writeup and Presentation

For this assignment, you will need to write a report describing your solutions. Your writeup should address (at least) the following questions:

  • How does your solution work? What is your model architecture?
  • How did you train your model? Include hyperparameter values.
  • Why did you choose that model, that training process, and those hyperparamter values?
  • What else did you try before arriving at your solution?
  • Why do you think your current solution works? Include some data from testing here.

The structure of the writeup is up to you, but I will ask you to keep it under 12 pages. Note that I do not necessarily expect you to use all 12 pages. I am just imposing a limit to make sure I can read them all in a reasonable time frame. If you feel you need more than 12 pages, you may move tables, diagrams, etc. to an appendix, but keep the text under 12 pages.

You will also need to prepare and give a presentation detailing the same information as the report. Currently I’m targeting 10 minutes per presentation, but depending on how many groups we have we may need to expand or restrict that time frame. Given that time limit, you may need to skip some information from the writeup, but you should try to cover the most important issues. Note that the time we have in-class for giving presentations is before the final project deadline, so your presentation may describe work-in-progress, or your solution may change before you submit it. That’s totally fine.


The grading for the final project is broken down as follows:

  • 10 pts for the presentation
  • 30 pts for the originality of the idea. This will be based on what things you’ve tried and how well you understand your agent (judged based on the writeup).
  • 30 pts for the average number of goals per game. This is scaled linearly from zero to one, i.e., you’ll get full credit for scoring at least one goal per game.
  • 30 pts for the writeup. This is based on the quality of the writing – how well is the writeup structured, how well is the solution explained, etc.
  • 15 pts (extra credit) for the tournament. The top three teams per agent type will receive 15, 10, and 5 bonus points.


Once you are ready to submit, create a bundle by running

python <state_agent OR image_agent> <eid>

then submit the resulting zip file on Canvas. Make sure to submit your writeup to the appropriate Canvas assignment as well.

Honor Code

You may work with up to three other students on this project. Otherwise, the same restrictions on collaborations apply as for all other assignments. You are allowed to discuss high-level ideas and general structure with other teams, but not specific details about code, architecture, or hyperparameters. You may consult online sources, but don’t copy code directly from any posts you find. Cite any ideas you take from online sources in your code (include the full URL where you found the idea). You may refer to your own solutions or the master solutions to prior homework assignments from this class as well as any iPython notebooks from this class. Do not put your solution in a public place (e.g., a public GitHub repo).


This assignment is very lightly modified from one created by Philipp Krähenbühl.